Float On It: A Creative Community

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Modern Earth Sheltering

"Using earth to shelter a building is optimal. It is perhaps the most effective ways to regulate temperature in a home. It works well in almost any climate. Just below the frost line, the earth stays a fairly constant temperature: 50 degrees F, plus or minus a few degrees, depending on where you live.

In the winter, earth-sheltered homes require very little additional heat to warm them. In the summer, the interior stays cool — while it may be 100F outside, the house will stay at comfortable 70F, thanks to it’s earthen wrap.

There is also an additional advantage: earth shelters absorb rain water. This means less water runs off the building. You also get all the benefits of having plants grow in this micro-habitat: e.g. temperature and humidity regulation, and a green space supporting plants and animals.

If it’s just the walls that are sheltered with earth, it’s called “earth berming”. When the roof is covered, it's called or a "green roof" or a "living roof". When the entire house is covered, it's an "underground home"." VIA.