Paint- Sony's latest Bravia spot
"By now we’ve all seen the awe-inspiring Sony Bravia commercial, Bouncy Balls, that sent 250,000 multi-coloured ’superballs’ bouncing down the streets of San Francisco. The beautiful mood was set by guitarist José Gonalez– we’ve come to know and love his debut Album ‘Veneer’, and subsequent mashups. The latest TV ad simply called ‘Paint‘, directed by Jonathan Glazer (Radiohead, Jamiroquai), features massive paint explosions which took 10 days and 250 people to film. Like the Bouncy Balls spot, this commercial is truly inspiring. After the filming it took 5 days and 60 people to clean up every drop of paint– good thing it was a special non-toxic water-based blend which was easy to scrape-up once the water evaporated."