Children and Design at Design Academy Eindhoven
"Through these binoculars, children can observe the world through the eyes of a fish or a chameleon. The eyes of a fish are on the left and right side of its head, which means that fish see two separate things; a chameleon can move its eyes in several directions. These child-friendly binoculars give kids access to a fantasy world."
designer: Menno Kroezen
department: Man and mobility
project: Look
photo: Menno Kroezen

"Children in hospital should be allowed to play as much as they can. To personalize the impersonal environment on the children's ward, Jetske Verdonk designed a drip-cum-tricycle, and a curtain around the bed, to which children can attach their get-well cards."
designer: Jetske Verdonk
department: Man and activity
project: Zieken+huis
photo: Eric Anthierens