Float On It: A Creative Community

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

MTV and Wal-Mart Present "Everyday Green"

"MTV and Wal-Mart recently announced "Everyday Green" — a unique joint initiative designed to demonstrate how people can incorporate green techniques into their lives. Yahoo Finance reports: "MTV's New York City store, located in the heart of Times Square on the corner of Broadway and 44th Street, has been transformed into an eco-friendly exhibit using environmentally-conscious products." The exhibit will run from October 23 through November 10 and is free to consumers. "Everyday Green" was conceptualized and designed by Pompei A.D., a New York based architecture, design and experience branding firm. The store will also feature organic t-shirts, recycled paper products, re-useable water bottles and coffee mugs, Toshiba RoHS laptops, Phillips LCD TVs and more. In addition to this exhibit, MTV has also arranged to offset 100% of the store's 2006 (or annual) carbon footprint with renewable energy credits through NativeEnergy." More at TH :: VIA